Suit The Space
Where Living is a Priority

Water Source Heat Pump
Vertical Stack WSHP


Vertical Stack water source heat pumps (WSHP), from 3/4 to 3 tons, are designed in multiple discharge air arrangements for use in multi-floor apartments, office buildings, hotels, and nursing homes where space is a premium. Using low-GWP R-32 refrigerant, Vertical Stack units are readily available in full cabinet design for new installations, or as a stand-alone chassis design for quick change outs in replacement applications. EC motors, vibration isolators, compressor blankets, and insulated cabinet/chassis packages create quiet operation for sound-sensitive applications. A host of selectable options provide consulting engineers, contractors, and service engineers with highly-serviceable components, and efficient and reliable operation.

Energy Efficiency

Efficiencies up to 16.8 EER

Daikin's vertical stack WSHP delivers higher efficiencies than the current ASHRAE 90.1 minimum, and most models exceed minimum thresholds for most utility rebate and incentive programs.

energy efficiency from geothermal heating

Reduced Energy Consumption

Choose a factory-installed hydronic heat coil to help reduce energy consumption by using hot loop water temperatures to condition your space without energizing mechanical heating.

Geothermal Heat Pump

Standard or Geothermal Applications

Designed for high efficiency with flexibility for standard or geothermal heating applications.